Canister vs Upright Vacuum

September 15, 2021


Cleaning the house is not everyone's favorite chore, but having the right type of vacuum can make the task a little less daunting. Canister and upright vacuums are two popular options, but how do you decide which one is right for you? In this blog post, we'll compare the pros and cons of each type of vacuum.

Canister Vacuum

A canister vacuum consists of a canister that houses the motor and dustbin and a wand with an attached hose and cleaning head. The canister sits on the ground and is connected to the wand via a flexible hose, allowing for easy maneuverability.


  • Canister vacuums are typically lighter and easier to use on stairs and in tight spaces.
  • They offer more cleaning versatility as they often come with various cleaning attachments, such as a crevice tool or dusting brush.
  • Canister vacuums are generally quieter than uprights.


  • They can be less convenient to store due to their larger size and potential for parts that may not fit together compactly.
  • The hose can be a tripping hazard if not properly coiled.
  • Canister vacuums may not stand up to heavy use as well as uprights.

Upright Vacuum

An upright vacuum is a single unit that houses the motor, dustbin, cleaning head, and handle all in one. They are designed to be pushed along the floor and are generally easier to store.


  • Upright vacuums are typically more powerful than canister vacuums, allowing for deeper carpet cleaning.
  • They often have larger dustbins than canisters, resulting in less frequent emptying.
  • Upright vacuums are generally more durable and better for heavy use.


  • They can be heavier and more difficult to use on stairs and in tight spaces.
  • They may not come with the same variety of cleaning attachments as canister vacuums.
  • Upright vacuums may be louder than canister vacuums.


Choosing between a canister and an upright vacuum largely depends on your personal preferences and cleaning needs. If lightweight maneuverability and cleaning versatility are a priority, a canister vacuum might be the better option. But if powerful suction and durability are important, then an upright vacuum might be a better choice.

When deciding on your vacuum cleaner, it's also worth considering factors such as the size of your living space, the type of flooring you have, and the frequency of use.

We hope this comparison has helped you in your decision-making process.


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